This is Independent Air Flow Services preferred method of decontamination in most situations due to it’s effectiveness in reducing biological contaminants to below detectable levels for various microorganisms, whilst being non toxic to the wider environment.
The use of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) is an ecological approach to bio-decontaminating equipment and facilities because it dissolves into water and oxygen without leaving any residues.
Surface structures of the microorganisms are destroyed by the Hydrogen Peroxide (02Safe Solution), which is distributed onto a spinning disk which diffuses fine droplets near its edge into an air stream created by a fan helps their diffusion into the entire volume treated.
Independent Air Flow Service’s Currently uses the Hydrogen Peroxide Bio Decontamination process for fumigation of;
In certain circumstances it is necessary to use Formaldehyde to decontaminate microbiological safety cabinets, clean rooms and HEPA Filters. Formaldehyde vapour is an extremely effective biocidal agent, but is both highly toxic to the environment and carcinogenic so only used when absolutely necessary.
Our staff are fully trained in the use of Formaldehyde vapour and precautions to be followed to minimise it’s negative impact on staff and the surrounding environment.
Independent Air Flow Services
Accreditation No: 3098
Accreditation Details: View Details
Accredited by:
The National Association of Testing Authorities